
Hello dear Readers, long time no see, hmm?
          	I am alive, I know its been... years, and I am sorry. 
          	I can't post everything in one announcement, so please go to the latest part on either 'Sixth Sense' or 'Broken Fairies' to read about what the heck has gone on in interim. 
          	Thank you


@EnergyMageFrea hiiiii welcome back Hun 


Hello dear Readers, long time no see, hmm?
          I am alive, I know its been... years, and I am sorry. 
          I can't post everything in one announcement, so please go to the latest part on either 'Sixth Sense' or 'Broken Fairies' to read about what the heck has gone on in interim. 
          Thank you


@EnergyMageFrea hiiiii welcome back Hun 


Hope you’re doing well….  I was curious if your ever gonna finish your story with frea as the energy dragon slayer …. And explore more with all magic because it’d be cool if she mastered it and had to use it in another original story arc like with mordgen at the end of book 3


          A bit of a late announcement, but the newest chapter for 'Ebony' over on my second account @EbonyAninalSpirit is out and ready to read!
          For any of you waiting for that, have at it!
          Don't know what that is? It's my HawksXOC, My Hero Academia fanfic! Take a gander if that tickles your fancy :D
          Anyhoo, up next will be a toss up between 'Broken Fairies' and 'Sixth Sense'! We'll see which mood hits me next and lets me bang out another chappy >w<
          Thank you, have a wonderful night my lovely readers! <33


Hellloooo my lovely readers!
          The newest chapter for 'Sixth Sense' is finally here! :D
          AND IT'S A LONG ONE
          Lots of stuff to get through, lots of hurt and ;3; for my bb Izaru- but I do hope you enjoy it!
          Next to be updated will be 'Ebony' over on my second account, @EbonyAnimalSpirit , so stay tuned for that!
          Tysm for your patience and have a lovely day! <33


@Reflection_Nebula ahhhhhh thank you, that means so much ;3;


Your stories are beautifully written and I honestly enjoyed them very much. 