So I wrote one chapter but there's like no progression in it - it's basically him overthinking and stuff
I also have to find a job cause I can't stay at home and just study
I also have to study for my a-levels and do my uni application
You guys I have 6 pages of ideas that i've written down. So like here are some of my ideas and yo ucan choose which one i would start writing first. It may take some time tho to write it. It's not the whoel thing just a small sumamry of the ideas to not spoil naything.
1. Ni-ki presents late and is excluded from enhypen's already formed pack
2. Riki chooses to not resign his contract and causes tension between the group.
3. Ni-ki gets pranked
❪ @Enhypenvrss ❫ oo for me i just read different sorts of ocs and fanfics and i get inspired by that but added to my own twist? i'm not quite sure of how to explain it.
You are the best. You are loved. I love you. I'll always love you. The world will love you. You'll see it one day, but if we die, we'll die together in one grave together forever! <333