
So, I don’t know if you’re still active or not, but I’m going to post this anyways. I’ve been one of your readers since you first posted Mrs. Lovato on And I honestly have to say I’ve probably read that and Mrs SG & Mrs DD Lovato so many times. Probably five for both. No joke. I love your stories a lot. I actually went on my Fanfiction account to see if anyone was still reading my stories and then came across a review you wrote on my story and freaked out. So I started reading all your stories again and now I’m currently reading Mrs SG & DD Lovato... Again. I just love that series. Anyways, I made the wattpad hoping to find you and I did and now I’m just thrilled to be able to comment and tell you how much I love your skills. Anyway. Just thought I’d let you know and I’d get it off my chest. Keep doing what you’re doing. I love your work.. a lot.