
OK, a brand new chapter of DGR with all FOUR boys is up!  Enjoy! https://www.wattpad.com/1319454025


Woohoo! Looking forward to finishing work and reading it 


hi!! cassie here! been missing you. hope all is well with you. love ya xx
          -cass (olive)


@Entangler yay!! ill be here to read it!


@-jackgrazerhatepage lolol... I see what you did there... Xx love ya too ❤️ (I am trying hard to some new chapters up, had to spend more time planning, currently writing new chapters for the very beginning of the new ver :) )


It finally happened... The first few chapters of the latest (and final!) version of Damn Good Reasons is up! I have rated this 'mature', so I hope you can find it! Here's the link:
          I'll be posting a couple more chapters later on today. Enjoy and let me know what you think!


@Entangler ok.... so I was planning to post more today but now I have to work late... and so goes the usual story.


olive here, doing my every-so-often update. i thought about you after watching sbm for the first time in awhile. i thought to myself, how is entangler? so i took it upon myself, after 2 years, to come here once again after being inactive for some time. so, the question remains. how are you recently?


@Entangler life hasn't been the best, but i'm managing. i just got diagnosed with bipolar disorder and i had a few problems with my ex as of recently. but, i think i'll get better once i focus on myself more. glad you're doing good, though! it's always nice to check up on you. my friend and i are still obsessed with your book and we both read it over again every so often. hope to talk again soon!


@-secondkiraa hi Olive!! I'm sorry, I don't use Wattpad very often these days, but just happened to and noticed your message. That's nice you're thinking of me. I'm good but way too busy after getting a new job this year. It's pretty full on. I get a couple of weeks holidays over Christmas though which Soo looking forward to. Might have a chance to catch up on my Wattpad reading then :D how's life treating you? what r u up to now?? Always good to hear from you :)


I’ve literally been wondering about you. I read DGR over again and I must say I miss talking to you. 
          -olive :)


@-conwayscoffee oh hey, Olive! How ru going?? Yeah, long time no talk.  I'm around, sort of... got so much going on right now with work and stuff.  It's still pretty much like I said in Sep last year, working on a new iteration and posting on archive. Vowing to post something every week, even if its just one para. Trying to keep some momentum.  What are you up to these days??? Ping me now and then :)


Hey everyone, I'm sorry I've been so quiet over the last few months!  I'm alive and well, just super busy right now.  For anyone who's wondering what's happening with the story, part 2 is on hold as I'm working on a new iteration which can be found on Archive of our own.  I'm writing in full diary form, and have done a total overhaul of Ace's backstory which includes some major conflict between him and Chris, (and explains why Ace nearly killed him in the movie).  I'm so excited for this one!  They're all drafts right now, and I'd appreciate any feedback anyone has to give! Shoutout to @lokk456 for giving me tons of feedback and helping me steer the story in the right direction!  Once this is done, I'll post on wattpad and start on part 2 :) Ka kite.




@-C0nwayy nothing wrong with taking a break. Its good, i find. I'm not writing as such at the mo. Am taking some time to myself to research and learn which i need to do if im ever gonna write seriously. Learning a lot about character development right now which is helping me get to know my characters better than ever lol. Sometimes I feel a bit lost with them tbh


@Entangler mmm that sucks. It's always 90+ degrees where I live in the summer. I'm doing fine, besides the fact that I literally took a month long break from writing. How's the book coming along?


@-C0nwayy heyyyy olive! yea ok, how r u? Good thing you always have yr real name in yr profile haha. Summer over there now huh? Lucky u. Weather is poo here in nz


This is probably mean, but here is a teaser for the next chapter. But at least you know I am working on it.  I just want it to be good :)
          "All color faded from the scene.  It faded from the boys faces, from the huge elm tree behind them and from every scraggy blade of grass.  It was like a nightmare had blown in on the breeze and cloaked over us.  I felt my heart break, right at that moment - the feeling was so defined - when I realized just how dire things had become for Ace.  He had fallen far from the edge of normality, hit rock-bottom, and this is what the darkness looked like in the depths of the pit."


OK, have at it - chapter is posted :)


            So happy you're making progress.
            You always go where you must leads you.


@Lostgirl2495 made some good progress last night. This is turning out nothing like I had planned, but my muse is usually right.