So Wattpad has this new thing that tells you your writing style for a book on Wattpad. I’m guessing it goes for all your books. It has really helped me with finding out my style and how to really improve and get better. There are 5 different types according to Wattpad. 1. Direct writing style: does not follow traditional writing practices for grammar or certain structure it is less commonly found in descriptive longform narrative. 2. Straightforward writing style: more commonly found with stories that are less descriptive and contain shorter sentences. 3. Modern narrative style: more commonly found with stories that are faster paced and sometimes more dialogue heavy than traditional literature. 4. Advanced narrative style: more commonly found within Martin de literature or stories contain more dialogue and shorter sentences then in traditional literature. 5. Literary writing style: more commonly found in traditional literature where narrative is descriptive sentences are longer than average and the writing is filled with more prose than dialogue. I am the 5th one and I hope to start writing and publishing on Wattpad again and hopefully by next year publish elsewhere. Thanks for reading this.