Cheese and rice, Moony, it has been a while since I've given any updates. Well, now I talk about Starfighter again:
So, if everybody remembers I'm in the process of a re-write, then you'd know I'm probably struggling like crazy. Chapter Two has taken way too long for comfort.
There have also been some plot changes due to the old idea being faulty and not making sense. Also, I'm actually setting up a timeline for this because woah, Enti can't keep the plot stable!
Not only am I doing that, but I completely forgot about how I was going to redraw the cover. Uh, give me a while on that one, folks.
Anyways, I apologize for the major inconvenience with my timing and whatnot. Chapter Two will be posted as soon as it is ready and things should be flawless from here on out with a steady plot and a general sense of what the hell I'm doing.
But please note, I will not post the timeline anywhere as I do not want to spoil my plans, but I may be able to guarantee a map of the land for reference.
Stay tuned!