
Oops sorry I meant Sk8rgirl919 lol


          Name: Ashler Styx
          District: 2
          Age: 18
          Gender: male
          Personality: will kill to win. on the out side he is nice, smart, funny. But on the inside he's ruthless, a blood thirsty killing machine and will backstab any one who will get in his way, literally.
          Description: handsome, tall, blonde hair that falls over his blue eyes. He's strong and has trained all his life to compete in the hunger games. Very confident and nice towards his friends.
          Celebrity Look Alike: Cato ( I can't really think of on sorry! )
          Family: older brother ( Brutus ) younger sister ( clove ) mother and father
          Volunteer: yes
          Why: was chosen to volunteer and was best in training
          Alliance: secret alliance with the careers and teams up with district 9 female, district 12 male and district 7 male
          Weapon of choice: spear and sword
          Backstory: was best friends with district 7 male when he lived in district 2. His father is always drunk and never around while his mother trains him and his siblings to enter the arena. He is ready to win.
          Character Owner: EnyaFitz