Well I'm back!
I was dealing with some severe mental health relaspses & a nasty lack of motivation & creative inspiration.
In short I was hella depressed & had severe writters block that I could not shake!
But I'm back and better than ever! I figured out who were my true friends & family, got diagnosed, got prescribed meds, and took everyone who wasn't there for me out of my life and those who left but returned were welcomed back with open arms but a stern warning to be careful because I wasn't tolerating anything anymore.
I got sick of people abusing my good will only to stab me in the back so no more chances from now on. Because people who I gave chances hurt and/or betrayed me and I finally just got sick of it.
So I'm gonna gradually return to writting here I won't be on everyday making a post everyday but I will be trying to get something out at least once a month.
When I find my niche and get heavy inspiration going then I'll try to get something out every other day at the maximum. This system is to avoid future burn out & writters block and I hope it works.
I'll also try to keep you guys updated on when Im writting or when I'm burnt out more frequently. And don't worry it won't be a daily thing, maybe a couple times a month, once every other week, or something along those lines.
You can also check my profile bio as I will have a little note at the end that says if I'm online writting or if I'm taking a break for in case I forget to update via these announcements or anything.
That about sums everything up for now, sorry it's such a long post but at least you guys know where I've been and why I dissapeared for so long.
It feels great to be back!
See you in the next chapter folks!