
I am in gifted and talented language arts, and we just did a huge debate project. I just finished my debate, which was about homework limitations. I did tons of research and delivered it very well, but I was so freaking nervous. In the class afterwards, someone was complaining about how much homework they had, and a person from my class asked me if I wanted to comment. Without missing a beat, I said "Sucks to be you!" and continued what I was doing.


@FlyingDolphin101  You guys are amazing too!!


If I could use emojis on here I would. All hail the god/goddess/all powerful immortal being that is @Epic-fitzphie-fail you are ducking awesome and amazing


I am in gifted and talented language arts, and we just did a huge debate project. I just finished my debate, which was about homework limitations. I did tons of research and delivered it very well, but I was so freaking nervous. In the class afterwards, someone was complaining about how much homework they had, and a person from my class asked me if I wanted to comment. Without missing a beat, I said "Sucks to be you!" and continued what I was doing.


@FlyingDolphin101  You guys are amazing too!!


If I could use emojis on here I would. All hail the god/goddess/all powerful immortal being that is @Epic-fitzphie-fail you are ducking awesome and amazing


Hey! So, I have an unhealthy obsession with carbs. Pasta, rice, bread, you name it (Also tomatoes, but that's not relevant). So, I was nibbling on a baguette (Yes, an entire baguette), and my dad was in the bathroom. I decided to surprise him, so I waited outside the door. When he came out, I jumped at him and yelled "BAGUETTE!". He jumped about a foot and screamed "Jesus Christ!", then took the baguette and whacked me over the head with it. Long story short, baguettes are awesome.


@Epic-fitzphie-fail my friend goes around saying “je suis baguette” and when I ask her why save says because baguettes are good


Hewo everyone! Yes, the great Epic-fitzphie-fail is back! Next week is the last full week of school and I'm pumped! It means I'll have more time for Wattpad *Does happy dance*.


@Epic-fitzphie-fail I am teaching you the secrets of the universe you should not stick your tongue out at me!  *sticks tongue out right back at her*


@Moonlark0709 *Sticks tongue out*. But thank you!


So, I got a nice surge of motivation right about now, so I sat down to write. As soon as I got the page pulled up, a random burst of lethargy came over me, so now I am sitting here writing this because I am trying to procrastinate. I'm gonna head over there and write right now though. Byeeee!