Hello all, it’s been awhile. Had a lot going on in life. Had a big breakup, got into a serious relationship, had a ton of stuff happen with college. Just a lot the past couple years.
As some of you know I’m not a super consistent uploader but I’m going to try to be better about it starting now.
With the SWTOR 7.0 Update, it’s given me a lot of wiggle room to play around with FanFiction ideas and I’ve already begun recording class stories and content to use for my SWTOR FanFictions.
Here is what you guys can expect to be coming in the near future with Chapter updates regularly:
Book 1 - Prodigal Knight (KoTOR 1)
Book 2 - Exile (KoTOR 2)
Book 3 - Apprentices of the Light and Dark (SWTOR Jedi Consular & Sith Inquisitor)
Book 4 - Heroes and Villains Arise (Revan + Rival + All Other Class Starter Stories)
Book 5 - The Galactic War (Revan + All Class Stories through Illum)
More books will be planned to arrive after I have enough people that want to assist in creating a story with recurring characters in Operations, Guild content, etc.
Want to be a part of the journey? Reach out to me. I’ll be happy to include you and feature you as a recurring character!
Till then, may the Force be with you.