
@strawberrylaces01 Nahh, I'm Canadian :)
          	Anww, thank you ^_^


Please make a sequel to busted I wrote a super long comment on the busted comment section that u should read because I really Think u should make a sequel or another teenage love story. U r literally sooooo talented


Cool never met anyone Canadian! I usually read 1D fanfics but I thought... How about a change so typed in teenage love and this is what came up!! It's great nearly finished it! It was so annoying  was reading the bit where Noah was just about to ask Sarah to the winter formal thing and my friend turned up and then again ....check was about to do it again and my mum shouted 'dinners ready' I was like noooooo I need to know this stuff lol I talk to much 


Haha, that's alright, you don't talk too much ^_^
            Let's private message british bff :)