
// Thinking abt making a Jonah Marshall AU anon acc tbh


          “Is that so?”, finally, his expression makes it clear he’s got a solid idea as he smiles with determination, “I think we’ve basically got this in the bag then!”
          “It’s too bad I don’t have my remote with me, but if ya got a flashlight and batteries, that’ll work just as great! ‘Course, we can also rely on each other.”


          `I ain’t likin’ the sound of that..`
          The vibe to him was now..darker. More ominous. He wasn’t going to get scared now though, nope!
          ..well maybe he was scared, just a little bit. Good thing he (was) an actor, hah.
          Once again, he put his hands on his hips, frowning, “Well I’ll give ‘em somethin’ to not like! Bet they’re related to whoever or whatever has been keepin’ ya here.”


          “I don’t expect everyone to always stay the same, don’t worry ‘bout it Mick! And in a place like this? I think changes are totally understandable,” he nodded but gave a reassuring smile regardless, unaware of..well, the numerous things Mickey hadn’t revealed, “Anyways, have you explored around the buildings? There could be items laying about that could help or somethin’.”
          Oswald had no clear idea what exactly could help, but maybe once it came he would know. If it even existed..but he had to stay optimistic.


          He frowned a bit, that didn’t leave him much to work with.
          “Darn..it must’ve been really confusing for ya..”, Oswald looked around and finally took note of their surroundings; this indeed looked quite a lot like where they first began. They hadn’t turned around though..odd.
          He wasn’t going to discount the idea that this place was cursed-it practically was guaranteed to be if Mickey’s account said anything-and it sure did look dreary. A few more things added up now, no wonder Mickey got real emotional earlier.
          “I’m not gonna give up though! Even if you don’t recall much, I’ll help ya get to the bottom of this!”