
Hello!! I was wondering when Book 3/4 will be released? I know you said spring/early summer, it that still the plan? 


Hi , sorry to bother! Has book 3 been released as of yet? 


@Apotatoi_am Heya! Book 3 will (hopefully) be released this summer :) Book 4 still has a ways to go, so I'm not entirely sure of the release date just yet.


Hello. Thanks for your work. You’re really brilliant author.
          Can you tell me please where I can reread Immunity part 3 and part 4? I really like it but I can’t find it anywhere. 
          I live in Russia and sometimes it can be complicated for me to find information and news about your work. Sorry for bothering you.


@MariiaP13 Hello, thanks for the message! Immunity has been removed from the internet and revised into publication under the Triloka Series by Avery Hendrex. There are enough changes to the series that Immunity is no longer made available. Part III will be released in late Spring/early Summer with Part IV soon to follow!


Hello! I’m not too sure where your published books are on Amazon, I’ve checked kindle as well and I haven’t been able to find them? 


@Apotatoi_am Sorry for the late response! They're under: Triloka Series by Avery Hendrex-- let me know if you still can't find them, and I'll try to send you a link.


So I'm guessing you won't be publishing on wattpad anymore 


@GosiameMapela then I'll pay a visit every time on the 13th


@GosiameMapela But yea, I totally understand :)


@GosiameMapela Oh, yea, every month on the 13th I offer them for free download :D


Not meaning to be overly obnoxious but I need to know. Do you have a planned date for the release of immunity V. I have reread books 1-4 so many times.  The relationship between agni and Ezra is the best part. It makes me laugh how Ezra goes out of his way to annoy agni. I truly am looking forward to seeing if Ezra will ground himself to visit his mortals. I think I would like to say though is I love the tense atmosphere between sachiel and agni. While Ezra is claimed by agni I absolutely love how sachiel and Ezra interact. Something about it draws me in. I'm looking forward to seeing sachiel in book 5. I truly enjoy your work. Thank you. 


@OceanField26 Thanks so much for your message! I'm so glad you've enjoyed Immunity so far :D I'm especially happy you're liking the relationship between Ezra and Agni--they're one of the reasons I enjoy writing the series. I don't have a set release on Part V, but I have recently self-published Parts 1 & 2 on Amazon under Avery Hendrex (Triloka Series). It's actually running a free promotion on the 13th if you're interested. Thank you again for your kind words!


I love the world you've created in Immunity, I was and am Addicted to that Series its why I cannot honestly wait any longer for book V, no pressure but I'm holding my breath.
          I also just need to say this, in book IV i kind of hate how Ezra hasn't fully grasped Agni's love for him, I have this intense hatred for him because he takes Agni for granted every now and again and does not realize how much Agni cares.
          Yes Agni is a vicious serpent but I have seen him from book I to IV change and evolve into this whole different God who has risked his life so many times just for Ezra, yes he betrayed Ezra but I saw the need for it especially when Ganga died, 
          He was sort of relapsing from the time Cyra died, his father inna coma and Kai was dead, he shouldered everything and hoped to fix it all but he was inadvertently killing everything.
          Ganga was right, his intentions were pure but wholy self destructive and I hate that about Ezra, he need to live his life for once, if he truky wishes to live apart from Agni's mold since he was in Region 20 then he needs to start there, not be petty and wear lifts in his boots because he doesn't have height.
          At this point its frustrating how he doesn't realize that as Raya, Rudra's son, he's far more powerful than a lot of Gods, if only he focused on getting stronger.
          Anyway, I will keep ranting till the ravens come on my shoulders so Thank You Epic for writing Immunity, I do hope you're okay,  and I hope you don't give up on writing.
          Saint Jay.


@Lyfeo_M_Jay  I could have sworn I responded to this. I apologize!! I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to leave a comment, I really appreciate it (more than you can possibly imagine!). And you're spot on in regards to Ezra and his relationship with Agni. He is clueless when it comes to relationships, but he's started to see by the end of Part IV that he was taking Agni for granted.  Thanks again for stopping by and sharing your thoughts!


Hey Epic, it’s buffcoyote. I hope you’re doing well and staying safe and healthy! You’re an amazing writer, one of my favorite. Just wanted to let you know this, if it helps you to feel encouraged. Writing is insanely hard, and you’ve created an original piece of work from just your mind! Always be proud ❤️


@kiddruid  Heya, buffcoyote! When I hear from you guys, it always encourages me knowing you're all still out there and thinking of the story. So thank you so much for reaching out, and I hope you're doing just as well ❤️❤️