
Guys I'm really sorry. I've been thinking a lot about this but I don't want the story to be up here anymore. yes I love it so much and ill probably complete writing it in my head but it just doesn't feel right uploading. I hope you understand and I wholeheartedly apologise for what's happened. Thank you.


Guys I'm really sorry. I've been thinking a lot about this but I don't want the story to be up here anymore. yes I love it so much and ill probably complete writing it in my head but it just doesn't feel right uploading. I hope you understand and I wholeheartedly apologise for what's happened. Thank you.


omg I just noticed this right now I'm so sorry I was late but thank you so much @EpicLikeMe for tagging me mate. you're EPIC! :)
          okay so ten things that make me happy.
          2-food particularly pizza like look at that masterpiece! no one can hate pizza!
          3-running and I'm not gonna say I'm athletic but you know running takes my mind off problems so it's a getaway.
          4-sleeping DUH. *flips hair*
          5-going on holidays.
          6-the fresh smell of the sea.
          7-stars. just stars they're freaking phenomenal.
          8-reading a book that literally makes me escape from reality for a little while.
          9- swimming.
          10-watching a movie that would keep you on the edge of your seat.
          people I wanna nominate :
          1- @CHICself 
          2- @Nermine99 
          3- @music_art_foxes_12