
Riker Jackson is due for a rewrite! I'll update the little bit of the next chapter I've had written for years now tbh, and then it won't be updating after that, since I'll be  rewriting it. 
          	Left Us Falling:  to be updated... eventually. Imma try.
          	where are the gods now?: this story is my b a b y and I love it and I have 13 chapters of it written out. It's definately not beta read (none of my stories are tbh) and plot-wise I'm a little confused, so it might be edited pre-write, but it's all good rn so. Please read. Updates come monthly until I run out of backup prewritten chapters and have to write them again lmao.
          	It's been a while, my dudes, but I'm back. I'll try to keep ya'll posted of what's going on but tbh, that'll come when I feel like it. <3 you all!


Riker Jackson is due for a rewrite! I'll update the little bit of the next chapter I've had written for years now tbh, and then it won't be updating after that, since I'll be  rewriting it. 
          Left Us Falling:  to be updated... eventually. Imma try.
          where are the gods now?: this story is my b a b y and I love it and I have 13 chapters of it written out. It's definately not beta read (none of my stories are tbh) and plot-wise I'm a little confused, so it might be edited pre-write, but it's all good rn so. Please read. Updates come monthly until I run out of backup prewritten chapters and have to write them again lmao.
          It's been a while, my dudes, but I'm back. I'll try to keep ya'll posted of what's going on but tbh, that'll come when I feel like it. <3 you all!


Riker Jackson and the Lightning Snatcher isn't being updated because I'm currently working to rewrite it! It's terrible tbh, especially in the early chapters. I still like the idea so I'm making an outline. But my senior year is hella busy so that takes priority. Might be a while. Patience my dears~


@EpikalStorms I love Riker Jackson and the Lightning Snatcher keep up the good work 


@EpikalStorms I'm also in my senior, it's a lot to handle. Good luck this year, hope you start posting again soon!


Please update left us falling when you can its my favorite story from you.


@Resonance15  Oh my goodness thank you for your words. Left us Falling is a personal favorite of mine just because it's writing process is incredibly chaotic and 75% of the time I've got no clue what I'm doing, it's beautiful. I'll look into updating it as soon as I'm able.


My life is currently extremely busy since I just got my first job, so any updates are gonna be a while in coming. Apologies, and I'll try to write when I can, but it won't be added for some time yet. Thank you for your continued interest, though, it makes me very glad :3


@kPoochie01 Omgggg, Senpaiiii!! Hi how are ya? XD
          Ya, I'm actually in an area without Internet, and have been for the past three-four weeks. My sister's pregnancy was having problems and she was put on bedrest. Needed my help around the house. Baby just came yesterday, though! A month an one week early, tiniest human I've ever seen!!!


            omg I'm so sorry I totally thought I'd replied to you!!
            Yeah Charlie was a girl and I gotta say, she may just be the absolute most cute baby in the entire galaxy. No joke. 


@EpikalStorms haha I'm not nearly as busy as you are! Goodness gracious, is your sister doing good? And was it a boy or girl? Haha babies are nice. My baby brother was a fat baby xD Guh, I hope you get to come back soon, because Senpai misses you!;-;


I'm so sorry I haven't updated anything in forever, guys! At first, it was just school and tests and exams, but now my sister is pregnant. There were some problems with the baby, my niece Charlie, and she's on bedrest. She and her husband have three kids already and a house out in the country. My brother in law is a train engineer who works long, odd hours, so they just needed someone to help them out. So I'm there right now, cleaning the house, minding the kids, feeding chickens and raising baby turkeys, and putting medicine on their adorable black lab who's sadly being hit by seasonal allergies(poor Yeti), and they have four quirky cats who have realized I know how to feed them. So, busy weeks lately. 
          Sadly, they have no Internet, wherein lies the root of my problem. I can't post ANYTHING I've written, and it hasn't been written because I don't have a device to write it on(my desktop is at home). 
          I'm hoping I can get an update to you Riker followers this following week, but I'm only going home to get in my finals and finish up the school year. I'll try my best to get a chapter to you, though! I hope you guys can forgive me for being so absent.