
The good news is, I have electricity now! HOORAY!!! The bad news...I am back in school and I also may have surgery on my wrist because of a stupid ganglion cyst. No matter, I will make it through this confusing and rum induced time. Did I say Rum? I meant Gin. No wait, Vodka. You know what, its just been a horrible time and I just want to drink like a fish even though I really don't like being drunk. Anywho, I will be posting some stuff before long. 
          	Stay tipsy my friends.


The good news is, I have electricity now! HOORAY!!! The bad news...I am back in school and I also may have surgery on my wrist because of a stupid ganglion cyst. No matter, I will make it through this confusing and rum induced time. Did I say Rum? I meant Gin. No wait, Vodka. You know what, its just been a horrible time and I just want to drink like a fish even though I really don't like being drunk. Anywho, I will be posting some stuff before long. 
          Stay tipsy my friends.


So, I was hit by Hurricane Laura a little over a week ago. I still do not have electricity but I do have internet on my phone. I have been writing on paper and as soon as I am able to, I will be typing and editing what I have written. 
          No worries. My family and all my animals are completely safe. I have lost some buildings on my property but all is well. 


I am taking a short Hiatus. 
          Not to worry! I will be back once I get my school schedule worked out, because that is more important than my stories at the moment. I currently have a couple weeks before the fall semester starts so I am going to take that time to mentally prepare myself for the fun that is going to be Biology Class online...how anyone does it, I have no idea. 
          After I get myself together, I will be continuing with my stories as much as possible. I may not be able to update on a regular schedule, but I will update.


@Eponastory Don't worry. You do well to put the studio first and then everything. Good luck with the studio!


Going to be doing some rearranging of stories pretty soon. I will still be working on The White Rose of Paris, but while I'm doing that I will also be working on fixing my mess with the Ezio stories. Hopefully I do not go crazy.


The consensus is that I should keep going with the Ezio side of things...well, of course I'm going to continue with that. The problem is, I'm a bit too obsessed with the French Revolution right now to get back into Ezio's head (currently traversing through the mess that is Arno Dorian and it's proving a challenge which is why I am focused on him) not that I can't get back to Ezio at any time, but going back an forth between the two is going to kill my brain. It's best to focus on one thing at a time.


I have been doing a hell of a lot of research for all my stories lately...and I have come up with some interesting subplots for my characters. Hooray character arcs! 
          Some of them are tragic, some are romantic, some are political. No one is safe. No one. I will take on some touchy subjects. Be prepared. 


Taking a break from the Ezio side of things for right now and focusing on another part of the big picture for the series. I know, I'm indecisive, but I do want this to be good. I want to put a lot of work into it and not make things so ongoing to the point where it is no longer interesting. When I started writing the Assassin's Wife, I felt like I was not giving a good enough story, so therefore I decided to stop at the Medici Girl with Contessina then pick things back up in the Brotherhood canon. Which will be published later after the story with Unity. I had to think about this a lot and I ultimately decided to go this route in order to catch up to Eternum (Or what it is called now as it remains unpublished) which takes place in modern day. However, there is a lot of mystery in between AC2 and Eternum that I have to carefully plan out before presenting it to you guys.