@gunsandguitars sorry I am sooo late, we've all been gone.
I'm not douchey!- Eric.
This is willis and eric.
willis is a douche.
and you are very majestic.
@gunsandguitars she has no say lol, I slept over and I just let her get on and message you an then I kicked her back off.
ha no, but compared to alot of guys I know, thats a small amount.
lol riight ;) ;)
@gunsandguitars im at milady's house right now as we speak, im occupyin her computer while she serves her guests.
great actually, im known as one of the best you could date, ive had like 3 girlfriends.
XD lazy ass haha, im like tht too
@gunsandguitars yeah she is great, some listener too, tell her anything, shell listen and you can trust her with your life.
yeah, im the best boyfriend to alot of people
oh, you should take it up with Wattpad admin.