
Well, thankfully I remembered to write and got it done sooner than I did yesterday! I'll be writing and posting the results earlier tomorrow and the day after as I work nightshifts and work the next two days.
          	Day: 3
          	Words: 269
          	Total: 1276


Well, thankfully I remembered to write and got it done sooner than I did yesterday! I'll be writing and posting the results earlier tomorrow and the day after as I work nightshifts and work the next two days.
          Day: 3
          Words: 269
          Total: 1276


Today is my Birthday! *sarcastic cheering* Not that it matters anyway. Not like I have any reason to really celebrate it whenever it comes around.


@nowimtakenbysleep Tired, bored with school, and mainly wondering when I made my life so stinking hard to live so I can go back and smack myself over the head a billion times.


@ErdeKrieger Happy birthday T! I was busy and almost forgot so I'm sorry!


POEM TIME!!! (This was a spur of the moment thing. May continue in the future.)
          I want to see how creative you guys can be. Please post a poem as a response to this and I may add it to my book of poems as a shout out for the writer of that poem. I will be checking them for plagiarism as I want to see YOUR poems, not someone else's style of writing poems.
          If you want a theme to have as the center of your poem, may I suggest something relevant that you have thoughts or feelings about? It's worked out decently well for me at least.
          The ONLY requirements are that the poem must be at least THREE words to a line and have at least TWO lines PER stanza, with a minimum of ONE stanza.
          (I was bored so I decided to do this. If you guys enjoy this, then we shall continue to do this as a standard activity for my account. Have a great rest of your day and a great week everyone!)


@nowimtakenbysleep I like it. You described the events well enough that I could clearly see what you were talking about, and that is a win in my books. Sorry for the late reply, I just didn't think that anyone would take me up on it to be honest with you. Thank you for at least trying your best, my friend.


I am back, and I promise to try and put out at least a chapter a week. I hope you guys will hold me to this when I forget. I am working on a single story right now, and I hope to build a world to write about here soon as well. Th a is for tuning in, and have a fabulous week!


@nowimtakenbysleep Yep. You got it right!


@nowimtakenbysleep I think that is the right song artist. I'll check tomorrow and let you know if you got it right.


@xXFranceyBoiXx The song is titled and it was mentioned in the lyrics I shared. Have fun guessing!


My pen name is KriegerDichter, which is literally Warrior Poet in German. I may change my tag name back, but have my "name" on here be KriegerDichter... Or the other way around. I have no clue right now. I'm just letting you guys know in case you want to read any of my books once I publish them.


Hello again. Just letting you guys know that I might not be writing any more stuff on here until January, possibly even mid January. I just am mentally wiped, emotionally drained, and I am doing my best to avoid throwing up right now. I will try to let you know when I am back to writing before I post too many updates. Thanks for your support in reading my books.


We see life through our own piece of glass. Some have cracks, most are colored, and all are hard to put down. Distance can be good, but not all the time. I am still looking through my piece of glass, but I have some one who is helping me to put it down and be me. Assumptions come from looking through the glass shard. We can let the glass go and we will begin to feel better about ourselves and the world. Humanity has gotten used to holding glass in their hands and close to the eye, but we can learn to lower the glass just as we earned to hold the glass. My heart aches, and my mind is heavy. Distance from friends I trust is hard to bear, but I am not alone. I have a couple friends who help me be me here, and that helps my heart to heal, my mind to rest, and helps me be better.
          Just something I wanted to share.