
this message may be offensive
Hello to the ones this reached to. Your dumbass author revisited their own very work, written by 'em very hands and ended up having seizures and thus took a BIT of hiatus to recover from it (thanks to a certain someone who couldn't tell ne the errors straightway). I apologize to each and every eyes that suffered. Please take care of your precious eyes and if possible, FORGIVE ME! 
          	I've updated the VERY precisely edited revisions ( even tho' your author is a BIT blind, not so VERY tho'). 
          	I sincerely apologize for the delay in uploads too. You could suggest an upload schedule, your lazy author could be more punctual then . 
          	Thank You And Once Again SORRY! 
          	Have a good day/night.


this message may be offensive
Hello to the ones this reached to. Your dumbass author revisited their own very work, written by 'em very hands and ended up having seizures and thus took a BIT of hiatus to recover from it (thanks to a certain someone who couldn't tell ne the errors straightway). I apologize to each and every eyes that suffered. Please take care of your precious eyes and if possible, FORGIVE ME! 
          I've updated the VERY precisely edited revisions ( even tho' your author is a BIT blind, not so VERY tho'). 
          I sincerely apologize for the delay in uploads too. You could suggest an upload schedule, your lazy author could be more punctual then . 
          Thank You And Once Again SORRY! 
          Have a good day/night.