AHHHHH I'm suffering from writer's block for my OnS fanfic!!! My next chapter is to be a filler and I have no idea how I'm going to write it! I have ideas for the chapter after that but not this chapter :(
AHHHHH I'm suffering from writer's block for my OnS fanfic!!! My next chapter is to be a filler and I have no idea how I'm going to write it! I have ideas for the chapter after that but not this chapter :(
I'm terribly sorry that I haven't been on lately! I lost motivation to keep writing my Samurai Warriors fanfic, and I'm trying to regain that motivation back! For those who were looking forward to a new chapter I'm so sorry! Hoping to continue this fanfic cuz I really like it
Hi, I just finished reading the current chapters of your story, and it's really nice...I was wondering if you need help with it because I'm willing to give assistance because I'm a huge fan of the game :3
Thnx for the follow! My favorite Precure series are Heartcatch, Fresh, DokiDoki, and Happiness Charge, but if I had to pick one, it would be Heartcatch Precure