
Hey! So I know it's been a while since I posted anything. I've been going through something of a writer's block right now, particularly with Eternal and Steadfast Legacy; as for Divine Protector, I became so dissatisfied with what I had that I decided to just start over. However, I haven't given up on any of these stories. I'm still writing Steadfast Legacy and Eternal, and rewriting Divine Protector, and will get the newest chapters uploaded as soon as they're ready (however long that takes)


Hey! So I know it's been a while since I posted anything. I've been going through something of a writer's block right now, particularly with Eternal and Steadfast Legacy; as for Divine Protector, I became so dissatisfied with what I had that I decided to just start over. However, I haven't given up on any of these stories. I'm still writing Steadfast Legacy and Eternal, and rewriting Divine Protector, and will get the newest chapters uploaded as soon as they're ready (however long that takes)


Everything I've written so far for Eternal has now been folded into Part One; soon I will be deleting what is listed as Part Three. The chapters there will still be available, but only as part of Part One. What would originally have been the start of Part Four will instead be part of Part Two.


Greetings! As I have been saying, I've felt for a while that I should combine the three books I've written in Eternal into one, and I've begun doing so. I have just moved all the chapters in what was the second book into the first book and then deleted that book; I will soon do the same for what I listed in the third book. Don't worry; all the chapters in each book are still their; they'll just be part of the first book only by the time I'm done. What would have been the fourth book will instead be the second book.


New chapter of Eternal: Part 3 available.
          I've also decided that once I complete Part 3, I'm going to combine it with Parts 1 and 2, and make them all Part 1. Thus, what would have been the start of Part 4 will instead be the start of Part 2.


Hi guys. So for those of you who've been reading Eternal, I want to apologize for the long wait. Part of it is that I have a lot going on outside my writing life, but mostly it's because my computer crashed and burned back in March, so I had to put my writing on hold until I got a new one, which I did just a couple months ago. However, I am nearly finished with the latest installment, and I hope to have it up before the end of the month once it's been edited and proofread.
          Thanks to all of you!