EricaAguilar556 that’s the blog, I hope this helps many of you 


I have now taken down the translations due to the author asking me to please take them down. I started before where you can read them on the Eunuch blog. I’m truly sorry for all those who were reading from here and I hope you guys can easily manage but I’m respecting the author’s wishes. Please go support the person and leave them lots of comments. Thank you for all of you guys who commented to me and talked to me and all the new friends I made. I truly enjoyed talking you you all ❤️❤️❤️❤️


I just realized a person like me doesn’t exist on this planet. Maybe I got mixed up and send here by accident, god knows I wasn’t strong enough and couldn’t keep going. I’m sorry for all those people who has to go through so much with me. You can now finally be free.... I’m sorry for believing all those beautiful lies instead of the painful truths, I see them all now. I know how you guys all want me to be gone, I see it now....