
Hey, thanks f9r adding my unfinished 699k t9 y9ur li6rary. I can relate t9 having tr9u6le finding any m9tivati9n anym9re t9 write, s9 y9u're n9t frankly al9ne 9n that sad sinking ship. H9pe y9u get that inspirati9n 6ack! 


            N9 pr96lem! Thank you too. ✌


Hey, thanks for takin' the time to wwrite that message, reely apreciate it. My inspiration comes only once in a wwhile so it's difficult to actually wwrite somefin' that makes sense. But i try. I hope you can one day find the inspiration/motivation to finish that book or if it has sunken. Hope not. But ovverall, thanks ☺️