
Hello, my name is ErikaValles3. This is my first time being on this website, and am looking forward to meeting fellow authors as my self. I have been writing now for over 5 years, and I have to admit that, some of my work are good, but could use some work. I would greatly appreciate some advice. I have put up a book I am currently writing right now called "Blood Kiss." Yes, it is a vampire book, and no, it does not relate to anything of the twilight books. They are all my original work. I have 14 books I have written, and have only published three. I am my worst critic, which is good. But I also believe that, the reason why I have not published more, is that I am not one hundred percent convinced of my work. So please, as I said before, help me, by reading my book and critique it. Thank you in advance.


Hello, my name is ErikaValles3. This is my first time being on this website, and am looking forward to meeting fellow authors as my self. I have been writing now for over 5 years, and I have to admit that, some of my work are good, but could use some work. I would greatly appreciate some advice. I have put up a book I am currently writing right now called "Blood Kiss." Yes, it is a vampire book, and no, it does not relate to anything of the twilight books. They are all my original work. I have 14 books I have written, and have only published three. I am my worst critic, which is good. But I also believe that, the reason why I have not published more, is that I am not one hundred percent convinced of my work. So please, as I said before, help me, by reading my book and critique it. Thank you in advance.