
@sweggy_on_harry babe!!!! Your comments are so funny!!! 


Hi Hun! am Liz... I must say you are an amaZayn writer...... Plz can you make a sequel of Learn Along The Way?? Plz......


Thank you so much Liz! And I would... but I have no idea what I would write about you know? The whole idea of the first one was her with her memory loss and getting closer with Louis, and now that they're married... I just have no idea what the sequel would be about. But maybe I'll compromise and write another epilogue since you were so nice :)


Hey guys! Thank you all so much for your support. I just looked at my reads for Learn Along the Way. Can't believe I actually have over 2,000 reads. You guys are amazing. Sorry I haven't updated Mystery Girl yet. I'm working on it. I have big plans but I've been really busy with homework and show choir and my job. I'm actually getting paid to write online for an online blog! I'll work on it though! Please stay with me. I love you all my beautiful followers! xx