
Bane's motorbike skills never cease to amaze me.


Okay, so. Its been literally a year since I posted an announcement on this account. I've just decided to update anyone who's still following this account on where I've been and why I've been MIA so long. I've got a separate account with some stories of my own I've been working on. They're not fanfic, though, just my own characters interacting with more of my characters. If you want to check that out its @ErinSpade, if not then thanks for staying here, but I probably won't be writing much fanfic for a while. I might delete any FNaF books I have just because I've fallen out of that fandom completely. I might to undertale stuff in the future, but right now I might post a /lot/ of Harry Potter related things because that's the fandom I'm obsessing with right now. So... expect Drarry probably. Anyways, for everyone still following me, thanks for sticking around so long! Sorry for keeping you waiting


@ErinSpade hey idk if you even remember me since this was like 3 years ago but Im the person that made Athos and All those other oc’s w you in the discord. I was just wondering how you were doing and if you wanna contact me at cerivelm#1254


Am I the only one who ships Edward and Jacob?


@ErinCattail tumbleweed:*applauds with tiny twig hands*