
Chapter 1 to Marble Hornets Reborn is now finished and published. Go check it out! 


Chapter one for Marble Hornets: Reborn is in the works. Took me a while due to some series of unfortunate events happening in my life that had me put a pause to it until now, along with lingering writers' block on the plot for chapter one.
          But it is being made, slowly but surely. I want this to be Marble Hornets accurate as much as possible. Might have to rewatch Marble Hornets for a 4th time just to study and take notes from it. I also want to make it different and similar at the same time. Going to be reading the Marble Hornets comics as well to get more ideas down.
          Can't wait to get back into writing again. It's been too long. See ya'll soon in chapter one!


Hey, it's been a while since I been on here, way too long than I wanted to be. I guess you could call it a massive writers block, or just simply I lost touch with being a writer.
          But I'm back now, and slowly trying to get back into writing again. It's gonna be a slow process, trying to get some practice in, but after this long, I forgot how long to be honest, I'm gonna get back into writing.
          I'm mostly focusing on horror stories as that's something I'm most good at, especially now as I've been hyper fixated on it.
          Update on life: Well, got married, been with my husband for about almost 7 years now altogether, married for 5 years. I have a son, he's 3 now, and he's my world.
          Trying to become a voice actor and content creator. How is that? Well, I've uploaded a couple gaming videos on my YouTube channel, and gotten some advice from a professional voice actor, that's as far as I've gotten so far. Not much thrown out there just yet, but plan to hopefully soon. Mostly going to be reading Creepypasta and cryptic horror stories like MrCreepypasta to start out, and just start from the bottom.
          Hope you all enjoy the stories I publish, and can't wait to see how you all like them.


And I'd like to mention I got my first voice acting gig, somewhat, as voicing one of the main characters, Freya from the game Coffee Talk. A friend of mine has a friend who is trying to make a mod that has the characters have voices when the characters talk.
            It's not much to start out, but at least it'll get my name out and get a small step into voice acting. I'm looking forward to it


I've finally thought of stuff for stories, now just need to write them down. One of them is an OC based off the video game called BioShock, one of my favorite games ever. And 3 other OC's from the top of my head but one of them will be base off of me a bit as its a manifestation of my name Gothic Cheshire. I been trying to draw them out, trying to make the drawings perfect to my liking to show an illustration of what they look like. And once I get the money I plan on acting them out on my TikTok GothicCheshire. It'll be quite new and interesting to me doing so


So, with what been going on in my personal life, I did promise I'd start writing SOMETHING but due to things going on I didn't and I am sorry. I am back now, I promise that, just trying to get my mindset, imagination and inspiration back into writing. It is very hard to do so especially after not writing an actual story for over 4 years and dealing with stress, school, jobs and mental problems. I want to get back into writing and put my mental stress into writing to distract myself. I want to at least write a good few chapters to something before I post the first chapter so that way I can keep up and make sure you all have a chapter a week and I will make that happen once I get back into writing is post a chapter a week. I will be gone for a bit longer as I'll be thinking of a story and making the chapters. Cant wait to get back


Hey guys, check me out on mobile app Tik Tok. My username is gothiccheshire13
          I do some good ones and sometimes out of boredom but I have fun either way. 
          Off note, I been busy with personal problems and have not started on any stories yet but will very soon. I know I keep saying it over and over. Life is more important than this but when I get the free time I'll go ahead and write the first chapter to one of the stories cause I do plan on also selling them to make money off them cause I have money problems as well. Would be great if someone could tell me of a writing site where I can sell my stories. Very much appreciated if you do. Thank you!


Or maybe you can do a mix of horror and comedy. Say there's going to be a death scene and the killer stals before killing the victim and they say like "Say hi to the your grandpa in hell cause that's there you got your ugly pathetic face". I don't know, I just write whatever pops up in my head, you can tell of you read my book " A CreepyPasta Story" By: Mora0624. But I wouldn't recromend it for you since your a horror fan.


And yes I am a horror fanatic but just wanna try something new *shrugs*


Hey guys. I was thinking of something different than horror. Probably comedy, probably adventure, not sure. I really want your opinion. I wanna do a present day Wizards of Waverly Place of what the three wizards are sping to this day of age 2018, cause I love the show and always wondered what they up to now. Second idea is that I got inspiration from one song on YouTube from JT music with their rap song for DOOM. My idea was that this human dies and goes to hell but instead of burning for all eternity is the most torturous and painful way, instead thia person will be moving in with the Devil and the Devil is just like "what the hell are you doing? This is my house. You cant barge in here! I SHALL BRING UPON YOU PAIN AND SUFFERING-" And the human like "yeah yeah whatever, can you help me bring in my stuff? I'm gonna make myself at home here while I'm gonna be in Hell." And the Devil be like wtf. Lol I don't know, just a random thing popped into my head, I'm just being lame and stupid but I've never done comedy beforw so we'll see^-^;;
          Anyway, I have some ideas but contemplating them. Let me know of your opinions guys of what you think. Oh and should I continue the Creepypasta Q&A? I only had one person comment a dare and I haven't had the time to do the chapter to do the dare cause I been busy with work and personal life. Comment what you all think and I'll see what I can do. I might do a holiday story specials like I use to do on this old site called Quizilla wherw for Halloween I wrote a Frankenstein's bride story. I might do that, yeah. Anyway, tell me your thoughts on what you guys think


OK so I have been busy to write anything for a while, been stressed out on a LOT of things lately and once its all over I am gonna go back to writing and back to doing the Q&A, I have not forgotten about it, just been busy so probably by sometime in November I'll try to post something for the Creepypasta Q&A, I will try so stay tuned guys, hang in there. Just keep sending those comments, questions, and dares, thank you! :)