I am rewatching Mystreet and I am two episodes away from season 4 and I am scared....


~~~~Beautiful Person Award~~~~
          | o n c e  y o u  g e t  t h i s  a w a r d,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, yOU're SuPpOSed To pasTe it oN tHE Wall Of 8 peopLE wHo dESRvE It |
          if cHu breAK the cHaiN tHen NoTHinG wIlL hAPPen~~~~ oooo○○bUt it'S nicE to kNOW tHat SoMEoNE tHInks YoU'RE {b e a u t i f u l} oN THe InsiDE anD oUT○○oooo
          Have a nice day~ ❤


Hey I am just going to rant for a second about my math teacher. 
          Okay I would like to start off with the fact like I have liked every teacher I have ever had except for her and I still like every teacher that I have except for her so here we go. 
          In class yesterday she told me that I needed to get over my anxiety....Bitch what!? She yelled this at me and all I could think was, if I could get over my anxiety like that do you think I would go to a therapist, do you think I would have anxiety attacks constantly, do you think that I would the pills that I take for anxiety, do you think I would have scars all over my arms if i could? I want to scream at her telling her that there us a reason most of us hate her and then walke out of the class room. God I hate her


Hello,so not next chapter,but the chapter after that I'll add your Oc!Also,if you don't mind,I might draw her,so I can have a photo of her!Can't wait to work with your Oc!~♡


That sounds great! Thanks!