this message may be offensive
Hello Everyone, don't worry. I am not going to discontinue the book, if you are curious. I will just update them after my dissertation. Anyway, I would like to warn you if you live in Indonesia because lately people who are against dogs are increasing, and some people even go as far as harassing us. Yesterday, an old man was trying to hit me with a cane as he called me a reckless girl who didn't understand the rules because I let my dog poop in front of his house while we were just turning around (Bonnie did not poop at his house because he had already taken a dump before walking). The old man also tries to pick a fight and punches me as he leaves his house and trying to show his dominance.
It was a really traumatizing event because my dog Bonnie and I were just walking around to get our daily walk, and he was just walking next to me. The man was acting friendly, like, "Hey Lady, what are you doing this night? Walking with your dog?" and I just said, "yes, sir. I am walking with my dog," but i did find it suspicious that the man suddenly tries to talk to me and I was right because the old man screams, "YOUR DOG IS POOPING IN FRONT OF MY HOUSE! THERE ARE RULES THAT DOG SHOULD NOT TAKE SHIT IN HERE! DID YOU LISTEN TO ME?! YOU ARE A STUPID RECKLESS GIRL!" He screams as he marching uo to me with a raised fist and points at me as he raises his cane too.
(It was honestly scary for me to live in a place where many people are willing to kill dogs because, in their religions, dogs redeemed Haram, and if you live in Indonesia and have dogs. Please always protect your pet from these people.)