
Thank you so muchhhh for adding “The BEST for us into your reading list and finish reading it! I’ve saw you leaving lots of comments in the chapters and I couldn’t be more appreciate for that! Hope you enjoyed the story and tysmmm again! Love you and stay safe! 


@ lemo4nade  Oh, and you may have noticed how near the end I stopped commenting that much. It was because I was too curious about what's going to happen to think about stopping midway to comment


@ lemo4nade  Thank you for writing that amazing story! I really enjoyed reading it. Take care and stay safe too!


Tysmm for adding INNOCENT to your reading list! ilyy


@ -COCKAINE Aww thank YOU so much for making such an amazing story. I felt like I was losing brain cells at the start only to find out later that I was completely fooled ( I was slowly getting concerned for cheang because of how innocent I thought she was lol ). I really loved every chapter, they were hilarious and soooooo cute. Definitely gonna check out your other books❤❤❤ (sorry for my English if there are any mistakes)