Hey everyone, How are you all?
I'm sick as a dog, not feeling up to writing right now, which sucks as I had one chapter to go before releasing the prologue, chapter 1, 2 and 3. But I think we have all waited long enough, so instead I'm going to publish all but chapter 3 and when I'm better, release chapter 3. I didn't want to not deliver when I said I would and i'm sure a few are patiently waiting.
So, the prologue, chapter 1 and chapter 2 of "TH3 B0UNTY HUNT3R: PR0T0CALL 404" Is now view-able on my page. Please go read and tell me what you think :p
Next couple of days i'll release chapter 3, after that it will be 3 chapters each upload but that means chapters will release around the same pace it took to release these 3 I've just published. If there is anything you don't understand, feel free to DM me.
Happy reading!