
Why is it All Quiet On The Western Front nowadays?


Hello, is this rando dead?


@yet_another_me Oof, too bad you didn't write it down, or used autosave password, or reset your password.


            Forgot my password here, so a yes


If the clocks are not to be used, then what purpose is it, hanged on the walls of our house?
          Yet, when they tick you look and pretend you not notice it. But nice try, the clocks are still working.
          But the clocks with rusted gears, what to do to it? Throw it? Fix it? Sell it? Like I would know the answer, but I care not anymore.
          Alas, the clocks may serve a purpose at all, yet we don't mind it. But just remember, the clock will be someday important


I have a question if NEO is back then what happened to this is Blake or that other account his couins did that chandr to neoisback and if so did his cousin make a new account?