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@deficientia- Haha, I love Star Wars (and Lotr), but I'm not in any trash pile as of yet. For now I'm shipping Rey/Poe (Finn seems a little bit too 'submissive' for me, but I'm not against ForceStorm in any way). Generally, I hated the moment the sand planet came in - they named it Jakku, but ugh, Tatooine again (let's not even mention the Death Star called Starkiller Base). I wasn't charmed by BB8 either, though the little robot is much more on the neutral side than the bad one. I loved the fight scenes (excluding Kylo/Rey it was on the neutral side again) because of their dynamic and the music that let you feel the emotions; loved how the characters were 3d from the very beginning of the movie - especially Finn and Kylo Ren, though I can't fathom why would Ben kill his father. Seriously, even if he believes he's doing it for a better cause... No, just no. It seemed too much forced for me, like you know - "Harrison has had enough and wants to get out so we have to kill Han next movie"