


I am so sorry for not updating any of the stories until now and taking a little hiatus. Each one of my prefossors appears to be under the impression that their class is the only one we have and that none of us have to go to work. 
          I should hopefully be able to update either at the end of April or in May.
          I've been trying to finish Game of Thrones: The Northern Dragon first. Next episode is CH 26: Dracarys. I will likely divide the episode into two parts and update them together. 
          I will try to update Detective Conan: Midori as soon as possible after that. Next episode is CH 14: Hello, John. In the anime, this episode is titled Pet Dog John Murder Case.
          Thank you all of you patience and hopefully I'll be able to get the episodes out soon.


@ErzaTitania1 I hope that the next chapter will be as soon as possible. And what about Talisa? Is she alive? I hope that Roose Bolton and his men haven't found her.