im sorry for whatever i made you think its just i was not completely over it until last week happy
just please think about this the reasons why was because you were helping me get over it thats why i will tell her right now i dont even like her at all and you can ask her if i did
you actually make me happier more than her i even thought about back then asking you dont ypu get it what do i have to prove that i do love you and no one else
its just all this time i even did start wanting to date you the day you gave me advice i swear i dont love her at all the only girls i talk to are you jewell and judith since we are at the lunch table any others are project partners or when we are in math and even then i dont know they're names what do i have to do
its true emotions can grant you strength but dont let them overcome you
so if i dont care would i be telling you the truth right now or trying to show you how i feel
pleas just know i never lied to you
im sorry dont you get that because i actually did love you im telling you this or just told maven i dont love her as proof
i thought we could actually be together when you said how you felt but why what made you freaking think all of this
i know you more than anything you have a heart a better one than me since i just told her i did not love her at all the worst part is now i actually was thinking of just us dont you get that i thought we could be together so if you really think im lieing prove it
because im done with her i SWEAR ON MY LIFE i would never want to be around her i avoid her all the time unless its in gym because kenny is around her
just listen i will tell you anything i swear i still love you
i know what your thinking hes lying i hate him but dont i would never say anything like that to you i know you blocked me
Leave me alone. Quit contacting me on every form of social media you have. If I see you messaging me again I'm gonna get officer Ray involved. Got it? I hope you do.