
Aye guys I just came out with a new book called My Dark Desires. Plz go check it out. 


Hello, I read one of your story's and just wanted to say I Loved It. Depicting on the message below, I do wish the best for you too, I have not been in a mental hospital, but I am a bit mentally insane (or crazy). Hope you have a peaceful sleep if you do pass on - Someone who loves your writing.


Dearest Esme- i am so sorry about the hospital things and the stuff you have been through I've been through some stuff myself and can understand that it gets to an awful degree and I know you haven't been active since 2016 
          But if your alive I hope that you could atleast get better, even if it's a little! I hope that it's atleast going well for you. I hope that you found something that makes you happy and that if you end up dying that atleast your story will be one to tell! I hope that if your dead or dying, that you atleast can have a peaceful sleep and nobody will bug you anymore I'm sorry if you ended up killing yourself and wish you a good farewell and you will be remembered I'll tell your story for you, sincerely somebody who hopes you are ok Bat-♡


Hey love, my discord is Omega’s#0332 and I was wondering if your doing well and if you want to vent to someone, I gave you my discord for that reason. Or if you would just wanna talk im fine with that to. Please don’t force yourself to do anything you don’t want and please try to be safe. ❤️ Take care 


Hello :3 I really enjoy your work .3. I also LOVE Jun Jou Romatica as well and Sekai Ichi Hatsukoi ( bu the same creators as Jun Jou Romantica ) I made my wattpad accout to just write storys.. But then it turned in horror, then random crap, then.. Yaoi smut .-.. I just wanted to say that stupid shet so... Bai :3