
What an amazing season it has been this year. Until the last laps I believed that Ferrari can still win the constructors. Congratulations to McLaren for winning the constructors after 26 years. I guess next year will be our year. Forza Ferrari.


What an amazing season it has been this year. Until the last laps I believed that Ferrari can still win the constructors. Congratulations to McLaren for winning the constructors after 26 years. I guess next year will be our year. Forza Ferrari.


Hey there! I don't know how you stumbled upon my work, but it really means the world to me. Thanks so much for adding both of my stories to your list! I really hope you like them. If you do, share your thoughts because I would love to read about them!
          - Ally ;)


Hey Esmeralda! Thank you so much for adding "Burning Gods & Wicked Angels" to your reading list. This doesn't go unappreciated. Enjoy the rest of your read, if you've started it, and if you have yet to start, I hope you enjoy it. Thanks again, and have a wonderful day. — Denise