
          	I'm attempting to be back again. I just blame my ADHD brain... and school. But I am attempting to rewrite some of my stories. I think I struggle with how I wrote things before in the past and have no idea how to continue the stories. 
          	So it may be a while before anything is posted: but hopefully good things are in the future here soon :)


@Espiannah Hola, he leído tus historias y sinceramente son increíbles. Espero goces de buena salud y vuelvas pronto al mundo de la escritura.




          I'm attempting to be back again. I just blame my ADHD brain... and school. But I am attempting to rewrite some of my stories. I think I struggle with how I wrote things before in the past and have no idea how to continue the stories. 
          So it may be a while before anything is posted: but hopefully good things are in the future here soon :)


@Espiannah Hola, he leído tus historias y sinceramente son increíbles. Espero goces de buena salud y vuelvas pronto al mundo de la escritura.




Why does Wattpad keep changing my pronouns to he/him? Do they know something I don’t? 
          Also just for an announcement, regarding DMing me, I’m PAINFULLY shy. (Don’t pay attention to how I post because that’s just the wanna be outgoing part of me) 
          I do not want to come off as ignoring or rude- but a lot of times when I get messages I panic and have no idea what to say.
          I love the support, didn’t realize how much some people really love my stories. I just kind of write and pretend I never publicly released something  Didn’t realize people ACTUALLY read my stories (joking joking somewhat) 
          I’ll try to do better from here on out posting. But if I go awol again- I’m just following the dopamine  and then come back when I remember I love writing 


I do admit I posted some of my newer chapters in a rush. I was super excited to start working on these again, reread some of them, and realized there were some mistakes. I'm working on fixing them. I have, however, fixed a majority of them within the past 12 hours. 
          I posted before how I didn't think I would be going back to my old stories. Turned out I lied. Didn't expect to find inspiration for one of them so quickly- but it has turned off the writers block I've been facing!


I just wanted to say I love your writing style, they way you create the story. First I read Chidori Heart and it’s sequel which I enjoyed very much. But then I went on your profile and found Final Sacrifice. I must say this must be one of the best stories I’ve read so far about SasuSaku, the plot is amazing and how you’re building up the story and characters is great. I know you were reconstructing it last year, but I wish more chapters can come out ❤️


I took a break for a while- had a lot going on. But I’m planning on getting back into it  