Alright alright. Now I know nobody cares, but have any of you heard that Biden wants to FORCE everybody in America to take the vaccine? He's literally threatening people's jobs now, and if this happens well, say byebye to the Constitution. Because America won't be a free nation anymore, but no one seems to care. Americans are too scared to fight back against this tyranny. Taking this vaccine is the equivalent of drinking poison. Would you drink poison if Biden told you to?
*heavy sigh*
I don't know friends, I think this country is officially slipping into the darkness. What can we do? Watch? You know what? There's nothing we can do. Might as well sit back and watch the whole thing play out. We're all dead anyway. Might as well take the stupid vaccine and die sooner... -_-
Wait...did I really just write that? Great...this situation is turning me into a depressed and suicidal person. I can't believe this... :(