
Hey guys, I just went through a really bad break up and I'm trying to give myself time to heal. My writing isnt going to happen anytime soon and I dont want to get anyones hopes up for right now. I'll get back to it when things start coming together.


@Estearia its 3 years now :(


So anyone following Esteria's page- shes offering to hand her story off to me so it can be finished. I'm pretty intimidated... but... challenge accepted :) She's still going to be part of the writing- but for the most part, I'll have the majority of the control of the writing. 
          Her inspiration for Naruto was shattered by her ex (Messy break up as you guys can tell... its been 6 years) But she decided that the story should continue that she was writing- but turns out she can't remember how to get back into her account XD WE'VE BEEN TRYING.


Genuine question which one was the story for you to continue you shy❤️


Hey guys! 
          I cant believe I've been gone for so long... wow. 
          Expect an update in the next few days :) I promise I'll get to it. Just college and stuff... wow I've been busy. I was told the first year of college was always busy; and I wasn't lied to.


I want to apologize for my absence! I'm at a summer leadership camp and I can't be on my electronics hardly at all! I'll post an update as soon as I can. I'll be working on it with paper and pen (Unheard of, right?!)