
@Moonchild16 @crazycookie321 Nah, it's alright, Cookie and I real tight; like this! X <--- See how close those two sticks are? They're so tight they make an X! :3
          	Also, Casey, what's up with the nose on your face?! No face has a nose! D:


@EternalCreation YEAH, BUDDY!!!!! We're like two peas in a pod!
           @Moonchild16 I'll stalk whoever I wanna stalk! MY STALKING IS NOT CONTROLLED BY YOU!!!!!!!!!!! :D
           @EternalCreation She's picking up bad habits from Viki. His faces have noses too. We better stop this before the world is taken over by noses!!! :-P OH, NO!!!!!! I'M DOING IT TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhh!!!!! ;) <------ There. Much better.