
....Holy crap it has been a long time. Here I am, once again...struggling to decide pick back up this account where I left off, and just do my thing...or start fresh and new. Either way...I want to get back into sharing my work. Been through a lot recently, and it pains me to say it, but it's so hard to share my writing right now, I just want to share it almost anonymously, and wattpad was my first thought. I am working on some things...I have gotten into d&d heavily in the last two years, and I am working on a book for that. I finished AWD and am rewriting it. I also am working on something else for D&D, and I really just want to share it with people, have some motivation and a place that is safe. So. I guess, for now, I am back...and if I make a new account I will post that link here. I just...looking on all my old work, I don't want to let it go.


....Holy crap it has been a long time. Here I am, once again...struggling to decide pick back up this account where I left off, and just do my thing...or start fresh and new. Either way...I want to get back into sharing my work. Been through a lot recently, and it pains me to say it, but it's so hard to share my writing right now, I just want to share it almost anonymously, and wattpad was my first thought. I am working on some things...I have gotten into d&d heavily in the last two years, and I am working on a book for that. I finished AWD and am rewriting it. I also am working on something else for D&D, and I really just want to share it with people, have some motivation and a place that is safe. So. I guess, for now, I am back...and if I make a new account I will post that link here. I just...looking on all my old work, I don't want to let it go.


Hey all, 
          Been a bit since one of these! It's officially Nanowrimo season, so I have a little surprise...been thinking hard on Facing Darkness and where I want to go with it. I started it when I was way younger and had no idea where to take it, so it got dropped. it's time to get going on it. So I have taken the last month to think on the second book to A Witch's Debt and FD. Facing Darkness is going to be merged with the AWD universe, but every chapter currently up will just be edited and fine-tuned. I think y'all will like it...and I am going to work on FD and TOH (The Outsider's Hunt) for Nano this year. Wish me luck! TOH likely won't be posted until I am done posting AWD, since it is the sequel. If you are participating in Nano, best of luck this year, we got this y'all!!!! Happy writing!


          Long time no see. Life has been quite busy, I’m now a college student, moved a couple of times, etc etc. I am still writing though! That never stopped pretty much. I am close to finishing a book that is not on here, and since I’m somewhat more active again and such, I was thinking I might put it on here as well. Would anyone like that? 
          Laters, Mac :)


Not sure if this notified y'all are not, my previous message I mean, but basically since I went dark on here I've been working on a new story, called Snowflake's Awakening. I have a thing about wanting to get far into the story before posting it on here to make sure I stick with it, and I have a lousy track record, as most of y'all can see where my works are concerned. This idea has been with me for a year, and I've been working on it since July 29th, 2016. So safe to say it's not going anywhere! I hope y'all would like to take a look at it, and hopefully give feedback! I am working on this, Irish, and Eli's next tale, Hidden From The Hourglass, but that one won't be really focused on until one of the two mentioned above is finished or very near the end! Anyways, I'll do my best to stick around, yeah? Thanks everyone, love y'all!


I am buying scrubs right now cause apparently a Denials Specialist needs to look more 'medical' and Doc hates jeans...dude, we live in Texas! TEXAS. It is not bowtie Tuesday, it's Blue Jeans Monday! NO TUXEDOS ALLOWED...and yet he works tuxs and so does his office manager xD whatever, they are paying for them!


I am buying scrubs right now cause apparently a Denials Specialist needs to look more 'medical' and Doc hates jeans...dude, we live in Texas! TEXAS. It is not bowtie Tuesday, it's Blue Jeans Monday! NO TUXEDOS ALLOWED...and yet he works tuxs and so does his office manager xD