
I just had a really really shitty day at work. I've worked 7 days in a row so far, covering for several co-workers, etc. I only get paid $10.15 an hour. They consider the 15 cents a "raise" in corporate America apparently. I don't know what I'm gonna do with my life and I have honestly just been feeling like total crap constantly because I can't afford to even survive let alone do anything for anyone for the holidays. I haven't been treated the best by my work but there's not other jobs available right now that actually work for me, I just feel so stuck tbh. Idk what I'm gonna do.


@Moonboyluthor thank you, and I hope so too 


@EternalThorn22 I'm sorry, that sucks. All my love and thoughts <3 I hope things get better


I just had a really really shitty day at work. I've worked 7 days in a row so far, covering for several co-workers, etc. I only get paid $10.15 an hour. They consider the 15 cents a "raise" in corporate America apparently. I don't know what I'm gonna do with my life and I have honestly just been feeling like total crap constantly because I can't afford to even survive let alone do anything for anyone for the holidays. I haven't been treated the best by my work but there's not other jobs available right now that actually work for me, I just feel so stuck tbh. Idk what I'm gonna do.


@Moonboyluthor thank you, and I hope so too 


@EternalThorn22 I'm sorry, that sucks. All my love and thoughts <3 I hope things get better


Thanks for voting for Soul Stealer. It means a lot you took the time. I hope you continue to enjoy the book!


Of course hun! It's an amazing story! I love the plot and the main character is quite lovely and like-able as well, which makes it all the better! You have some real skills there!


The abortion ban in Texas is really REALLY pissing me off. I've already written to politicians, signed the petitions I could find and donated to Planned Parenthood and the ACLU, but it honestly scares me so much and I feel like it's really been messing with my emotions. My cat's also been really sick recently too so everything is just making me lose my mind. I also got into a car accident a while back that wasn't even my fault, but the lady is seriously trying to SUE me after she berated me and made me go into a panic attack on the scene. I only make a little above minimum wage  I just feel like everything in my life is falling apart. Anyway this has been my depressive rant, so I hope everyone else's weeks have been going better than mine at least