Your writing is amazing Jeremiah pls when are you update the dragon's Valkyrie. Keep up the good work.pls Can we be friends
Reading Lists
For all who've been waiting for the next chapters of The Valkyrie’s Wrath, your wait is over! I've revised and posted the next two chapters as a reward for all those patient enough to wait. There still won't be any consistent update schedule for this story, because writing has been slow for me for awhile as many of you know, but I will post updates to my stories when they're ready. Thank you all who waited for your continued patience.
@paulajop slowly but surely lol. I'm sure a few people would agree with you about Sam lol
@Eternalautumnfire so glad to see that you are still continuing with this series. I’ll get back to reading it when it’s all finished. I’m very patient lol. P.s I’m still salty about Sam!
Your writing is amazing Jeremiah pls when are you update the dragon's Valkyrie. Keep up the good work.pls Can we be friends
Hi! I just began The Dragon's Valkyrie and even if I read only 3 chapters so far, I love how you write and the beginning of the story. But I saw there's a book 2 that isn't finished. And I have to admit I don't really like reading incomplete stories... So do you plan to finish the series? Can I read Book 1 or will I be "deceived" by an enormous cliffhanger and not be able to satisfy my curiosity ? Or is this a book where a sequel is possible but we can imagine it (I don't know if I'm comprehensible here...)? By the way, good luck for writing your stories! Cheers
@Katiabtk I'm glad you're enjoying the story! The ending clearly let's you know there's more story to come. I'm further into the second book than what I've posted, but I haven't had the motivation to write for awhile. To answer your question, there will be an end, but I don't have a timeline for when I'll seriously start continuing the series. It would be disingenuous of me to give you an expected time frame that I probably won't keep. I understand if you don't want to invest your time into that only to wait. However, I do post chapters when they are ready, so updates on the second book will happen sporadically. Hope this helps!
For all who've been waiting for the next chapters of The Valkyrie’s Wrath, your wait is over! I've revised and posted the next two chapters as a reward for all those patient enough to wait. There still won't be any consistent update schedule for this story, because writing has been slow for me for awhile as many of you know, but I will post updates to my stories when they're ready. Thank you all who waited for your continued patience.
@paulajop slowly but surely lol. I'm sure a few people would agree with you about Sam lol
@Eternalautumnfire so glad to see that you are still continuing with this series. I’ll get back to reading it when it’s all finished. I’m very patient lol. P.s I’m still salty about Sam!
What's up when are getting an update?
@Alkebu-lan0 thanks for reaching out. I've been thinking of posting an update on my board. I have been actively writing, but it's been very slow and I don't have enough material to update any of my stories regularly. I don't know when I'll post new content to one of my ongoing stories, but they have not been abandoned. I will post an update announcing when I plan to release new content in one of my stories.
I love your book. When are you going to come back?
@Saynee56 Thank you! Soon, I hope. I have a lot of ideas and know where the story is going. I just need the itch to write to build back up. I usually get that itch when the weather gets cold, so I may get some new content as we come into winter.
Hey! What's up? I was going to ask a few questions bust reading these conversations answered most of them already. So, I think I'll just end up saying that I started reading "Eternal war" the completed one. And, I apologise for it, I only saved the book to criticize it guessing that since the cover was awesome the book won't be, but surprise surprise. I really like it!!!! You're really really good at it. And as I dwelled more and more to reading it I thought I was watching some hardcore HD anime. No offence, if any, I'm a big fan of anime. Just can't wait to finish this one and start the unfinished one to start complaining like the others. P.S You're really good at this!!
@penstrike thanks lol! Always happy to hear I've caught a reader off guard in a good way. Anime has had a big influence on my writing. I try to write my stuff in a way that it plays out like a movie would. Sadly, I usually take very long breaks between writing spells, and I'm in one of those now. But, the story has hounded me for over 10years, so it's not going to leave me alone until it's written. There will be more coming. Hopefully soon if I can get back into the grove.
So, I take it you have given up on Wattpad? Too bad, I hate people with talent just quit (in the middle of a project especially).
@Wasiboy thanks for the concern. No, I haven't given up on Wattpad. I just haven't had the time or drive to write recently due to changes in my personal life. I haven't abandoned a project as of this moment, but I also don't have any updates for any. I apologize for any disappointment of not getting to finish one of my currently ongoing stories. At this time, I'm not sure when I'll have an update. However, as long as the story is in your private reading list and/or you're following my profile, you'll be updated as soon as new content becomes available. When I do get back into the swing of writing, my plan is to complete Elegy, then progress The Eternal War series. Thanks for reading and enjoying!
A new chapter to my ONC entry, Crimson Dragon is up! Also, check out that sweet cover made by @PhoenixKing98
The Eternal War: The Dragon's Valkyrie reached 30k this week! That's so awesome! Thank you to all who've been reading! The beginnings of the second installment in the story is up, and I am posting new content to it as I get it ready (which is a little lax because of my onc project at the moment). So keep tuned!
A new chapter of Crimson Dragon for ONC is up! Go check it out, please. I apologize to any who's been reading Elegy of the Leaves. There won't be an update this week as I got wrapped up in the ONC story this week, and haven't had the chance to work on it. A new chapter will come soon!
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