For the past month:
Me: I'm so BORED!!!
Brain:Make another part on your story then.
Me:I wanna but I only have ideas for other stories!!!
Brain:Well think of something...Why don't you do both?
Alright so that was my thinking process for my story...Over that time I was making some of the story though...but then Wattpad decided to be an arse delete the chapter...But I'm re-writing it so it should be up within the next 2 or 3 days...Hell it may be posted by the end of today...Only because I have nothing better to do and I hate having you guys wait on another chapter so...without further a due... I'm gonna start working on the next chapter in a bit...
The chapter will be called "The End?" and if you guys have any questions or suggestions let me know. Also make sure to foloow, vote, comment and all that other good stuff.
Later Wolves~