
25 February 2023
          	Lord, all I can offer is all my heart
          	And all I can give You is all of me


06 June 2021
          Lord, my Lord
          In a dessert
          With sand and waging heat
          With no one to be seen
          Were mouths are dry and panting
          Were skin are cracking
          Where the heat causes pain
          Lord, as I see a river and a well
          I walk towards the well
          I sit beside the river
          I take a cup and fill it to the brim
          And I look up to You
          I look up to the water and choose You
          I pant for You
          And you fill me up
          Nothing else can fulfill 
          I desire You 


04 April 2033
          Open my eyes to see
          What it couldn't before
          Open my ears to hear
          What it couldn't receive before
          Another dimension of glory
          A deeper level of faith
          A great rise in sensitivity
          For the glory of your name


Hi there, how are you doing? I was wondering if you had any prayer requests, that you had on your heart that you want people and me to pray for, if so let me know 
          Love erica


@aunt2mmhk awww wow sis.  That's sweet of you. Actually these days I haven't been feeling my best. I've been feeling some pain in my body and going through a lot of spiritual warfare❤️
            Also, if you can pray for God to lead me and all the projects his untrusted me with. 
            How can I pray for you?


12 Dec 2022
          Jesus, You're the rhythm of my heart
          You're the rhythm of my heart
          All my life I give to You
          Everything is You
          When I'm old and broke
          You're my youth and my riches
          When I shine and I'm in glory
          You're still the reason for my existence


I searched for You among the noise
          You fell silent
          And I trembled
          I longed to hear Your voice
          I desired to hear You speak
          It was as if You vanished
          I searched for Your warmth 
          My drive was hope
          I want Your refuge 
          I wanted to find You
          And as I persevered
          As I continued
          There in the depths
          I finally found you