

@EthanFelixRomanov Yeah, girls like that are really in moral danger, especially in the type of atmosphere all too available today, sadly.


Hi,life is precisious 


@EthanFelixRomanov Yeah; and thus the spirit is worthless, outside of the biological role of it as the essence of life itself.
            The DNA in the food you eat is the same as it was when the foods were alive, so the premise of DNA as the essence of life is preposterous, same with energy transfer: you heat up a steak, it doesn't come back to life, it gets cooked, so that's also silly.
            Only real option for why life even exists and how that works is a lifeforce that's not material at all- not religion per say, but this's one area even in basic *college* level science that destroys utterly atheism.


I'm serious about this:
          I've been a Ben 10 fan since the classic series came out. As a superhero fan,how  do you create your own or homage superheroes? What about Ben 10?But original matters at some point.


@EthanFelixRomanov I'd say if I do, typically the portrayal is akin to the kid next door who's unusually gifted.
            That mental image should help you with the mechanics sufficiently to do so with good quality.


Hi,I've updated the novel by updating prologue chapter check it out.


@EthanFelixRomanov Yeah, it could be a quality story, depending on the stances of the author almost entirely; everything else is secondary outside of the goals of the author- if his goals are wicked, the work is, only so long as the work is purposed thereto; and wicked works meaning works dedicated to scandalizing the audience into immoral living.
            What I'm saying is that the works of you are things sculpted by your mind; and if it is aligned to morals, even with (as herein) evil ladies acting up; it is able to be a sound story, only so long as the goals of the author are good, the work will be; as long as also the author's competent- and I happen to know you at least appear to be deeply competent.


Thing you need to know: am not and never was an atheist; if nothing else, they're much too fast in declaring victory for the kind of conflict they have to wage... it is really "Oh, you won a battle? Good for you, yet you also abandoned your posts once that was done; idiots!" they declare victory way too soon.
          The reality is that we really as humans are really obliged to wage a war of utter extermination against eternity, this kind you really *cannot* declare victory, as it is fundamentally unattainable.
          Plus science itself disproves their stances!


Hi,guys it is me again and I've updated this novel by publishing two parts or chapters.I promise I will try my best to updated this novel by publishing the chapters which I will write when I get chance.Give this novel a chance,vote and comment after reading each chapters.Please?Thanks.


@EthanFelixRomanov I thank you, but I really do want to get into your mindset about this, to understand where you're coming from, to see if we even *can* be colleagues in the first place.