
Hello people!!!
          	It's been 62 days. But I havn't introduced you guys to Tiny tales of bliss and Hades.
          	So basically it's a never ending saga of quotes and little incidents that i came across, wrote or experienced. 
          	It's a book of 200 parts, one part publishing everyday from 1st of Jan. I wanted it to be longer, but Wattpad allows only 200 parts. And after that, [I told you it's never ending]
          	With a new name and new quote , the 201 will be published as a separate book.
          	So do spare time from your daily life , to read a quote of 2-3 lines.
          	Have a great day


          Kleos (Greek: κλέος) is the ancient Greek concept of glory, fame, and honor earned through heroic deeds and lasting achievements.
          The Kleos Awards summon the bravest of writers to stand before the wise Council of the Gods, where the finest stories will be honored with eternal renown. If your words carry the weight of true achievement, if your tales stir the soul and challenge the heart, then the time has come for you to claim your rightful place in the halls of literary glory.
          Submit your work to the Kleos Awards and face the Trials of Glory. Whether your story echoes through mythical realms or explores the depths of human experience, the Council will seek those who embody the essence of kleos-immortal fame earned through excellence in storytelling.
          The stage is set. The challenge is yours. Will your name be sung by the bards? Enter the Kleos Awards and prove you are worthy of everlasting honor.


Hello people!!!
          It's been 62 days. But I havn't introduced you guys to Tiny tales of bliss and Hades.
          So basically it's a never ending saga of quotes and little incidents that i came across, wrote or experienced. 
          It's a book of 200 parts, one part publishing everyday from 1st of Jan. I wanted it to be longer, but Wattpad allows only 200 parts. And after that, [I told you it's never ending]
          With a new name and new quote , the 201 will be published as a separate book.
          So do spare time from your daily life , to read a quote of 2-3 lines.
          Have a great day


Thank you for  being a long time follower and supporter of the The Book of Leah story project.  Now out as “They Say It’s a River” available on Amazon,  I am rereleasing the first nine chapters back on Wattpad, as we prepare for our Kindle Unlimited launch in late March.  For the latest updates, be sure to follow me on Instagram at


Hello People!!!
          How's life going. I hope it doesn't suck. And as for science students, I can feel you people.
          So I have my practicals lined up right now.
          So I guess i'll use lead acetate in my cookies next time, or better i can paint with blue colour of copper sulphate.
          Talkign rubbish , I know.
          Than why on earth should I analyze them???!!!!!
          It's of no use, what to do with ammonium chloride. Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
          Then leave me in peace, I don't want to analyse them. and learn the tons of reactions that are of no use.....
          I can cry gallons now.
          Should get back to learning them.
          Aish. Life is so tiring.
          Have a great day [And science students remember you chose to step in hell]


So I have a question.
          Why does nobody talk about the abandon issues and fear of glass kids.
          So 2 things.
          Glass kid and abandon fear and issues.
          Glass kid is someone who wished to break a bone or get sick just so their parents can focus on them more.
          and Abandon issues and fear, well it explains itself.
          Even when you know the person will never leave you and you matter a lot to them, if you don't talk to them on the regular intervals or like you do on a daily basis, you start imagining.
          making stuff in you head.
          and Feeling that they will abandon you like everyone else. and you will be left alone, again.


@EthereaLibrary I feel that inside of us all, we are born to depend on others. From being born to your present-day life, others have either guided or helped in some way or fashion (Mothers/ Fathers Care takers, friends) So having a fear of being alone is normal, because it is unnatural for people to be alone and/or abandoned. 
            But these issues of abandonment can be heightened by your care takers and bad friends. I have these issues yet, I combated them with a reminder of the accomplishments I have made by myself and by reminding myself all of my strengths. Its hard to break the cycle of abandonment and fear, but the day the pain in your heart and the fear overwhelms you to an unreal level- you'll break. By then you'll be tired of having your own emotions being dictated by a person. You'll get tired of having to mend your broken heart from your desire not to be alone.


@EthereaLibrary they don’t talk about it because they think that they will be seen as weak and their own parents will see them as mentally ill.


So first of all. Thank you to the person who reported my last post. I received a fabulous email and message from wattpad community. Offering help with warning.
          Sounds strange together right.
          I know
          Who offers help via warning.
          So Thank you for shutting me down here as well.
          Won't post my issues from now.
          Thank you again!