Hello, I'm Chrissy. I'm a 17 year old girl studying a lot about creative writing and this page was suggested to me! I do take suggestions for stories and such and I would love to answer any question you have for me :)
  • JoinedApril 26, 2016

Stories by Chrissy is the name!
Ever Since New York (criminal Harry Styles AU) by Eugeniaab
Ever Since New York (criminal Harr...
A chilling story about a man who we know as loving, gentle and kind. However here, in this universe, he a har...
ranking #52 in kidnappedbyonedirection See all rankings
Just imagine! by Eugeniaab
Just imagine!
Hello everyone! This is a book full of any imaginative story you've got for me, plus some of my own. Feel fre...
ranking #869 in imaginesandpreferences See all rankings