Me at
9 pm: I wanted to be productive, but everything after chapter 6 is stupid anyway and I‘m certainly too tired to deal with my own stupidity, so ... wait, it’s Wednesday, which means yesterday was Tuesday, which means: a new episode of Doctor Who!
10 pm: Two episodes, apparently
11 pm: *trying hard to stay awake because that one friend might text me back*
12 am: (thought it was supposed to be 12 pm, looked it up, turns out it isn’t, this am pm thing is so confusing!)
*checking Instagram, because all these American people I follow tend to upload in the middle of the night*
1 am: *taking quizzes like: Which Harry Potter character are you, based on your music taste?*
2 am: *crying over a song I initially listened to for comfort because the world is crazy and I am useless - seeking comfort in crappy fanfiction instead*
3 am: oh it’s 3 am, how did that happen?
4 am: I feel like I will just randomly die any second (might’ve been taking “Tonight Is The Night I Die” too seriously) so why don’t share my last hours with people on Wattpad who can probably relate?
I’m sorry for this